Source: Wikipedia
Pesto Modenese, combined with a sprinkling of grated Parmigiano Reggiano, is used primarily for the filling of Tigelle, and borlenghi. Thanks to the heat of Tigella, lard of Pesto melts and releases essential oils of rosemary.
Pesto can also be used in combination with other Emilia Romagna dishes, such as Piadina.
Is a raw sauce, made with pork lard, rosemary and garlic. For 250 g of lard, are sufficient 2 cloves garlic and 2 sprigs of rosemary. For convenience is often prepared with blender, which tends to create a unique amalgam, therefore is preferable to work the leaves of rosemary and garlic along with the half-moon, until getting a fine chopped. At this point is mixed lard, amalgamating all.
Tradition has it that “cunza“, the version of Pesto used for borlenghi, has got also 250 g of Pancetta, possibly some sausage, and other 4 cloves of garlic.
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